After 9 days in hospital Steve came back yesterday ready to take over the guiding again and rather keen to be out and about. I want to thank all the guys and girls in the group last week (Nigel, Simone, Howard, Rupert, Paul, Kathryn, Bill, Liz and Anton) for being so understanding and such good […]
Another fantastic looking sky but unfortunately too windy from the SW. It was Simone and my son Oliver’s birthday today and they had lots of presents and birthday wishes. It was also Steve’s aniversary, as he had his mishap exactly one week ago. He will be leaving hospital on sunday.
With perfect cloudstreets everywhere, thursday looked like an amazing soaring day, but with the clouds leaving the valley in shade for long periods of time, the wind at take off couldn’t make up its mind and kept switching on and off. It was going to be one of those “glory or misery” days: amazing if […]
After 5 days Steve finally went under the knife and now remembles more his white van, bodged, and hopefully with a few years left to go. We hope he will be back home on friday.
Saturday turned up to be a classic day with very nice cumulus clouds everywhere and strong climbs in the Ambles valley. The Spanish league had a task to Villacastín. On sunday a weak cold front pushed the winds too high to fly for the new arrivals. Monday was a nice day although very low thermal […]
I had an unfortunate accident friday afternoon, dropping very fast onto a slab of concrete near our home, breaking my right forearm in three places and dramatically changing my inmediate future life and plans. With three weeks of our season to go, Puri and Jorge will show how dispensible I was whilst I am on […]
Yet another epic day starting from Lastra (this time with light winds and an easy climb out). Some struggling over the back on the ridges N of the road, then a big climb to around 3500m where the wind was SE. The convergence line swept to the NE, but determined to reach Salamanca we (Mike […]
Light S wind and a Lastra start. Mike and I went tandem with the idea of seeing Salamanca. Chino tested the air and demonstated that it was a good lastra day. Unfortunately there were some early bomb outs, and Mike and I on the tandem almost landed behind the hill, saved by a very low […]
A fantastic day. Chino and Guy flew to Barco and Back, then chino kept on going to the pass then around the valley with climbs to 3600m. Our evening flight, myself on Tandem with Julie, met up with him (now 6 hours plus into his flight) in a huge evening convergence/restitution. We flew right across […]
Very nice early conditions and a shame to land for lunch (principally since there was nothing to eat as all the shops were closed for the fiesta and my ham and cheese had been thrown out in the weekend turnaround and cleaning). Anyway, second hop was just as easy and the Israeli group worked well […]