Glory or misery

With perfect cloudstreets everywhere, thursday looked like an amazing soaring day, but with the clouds leaving the valley in shade for long periods of time, the wind at take off couldn’t make up its mind and kept switching on and off. It was going to be one of those “glory or misery” days: amazing if you managed to reach the sunshine and catch a good climb but easy to end up on the ground in no time if you were unlucky enough to take off with the bad cycle. After a number of disappointing flights all week, it was time for Rupert to get lucky, and so he was. He climbed up to cloudbase at 3100m and flew a triangule around the valley, his PB for altitude and distance. Liz was the other hero of the day, reaching the clouds and flying out towards Salamanca. Very smooth and floaty evening flight along the ridge for everybody.

Posted: Friday, September 23rd, 2011 at 22:36 by Steve Ham in Flying Journal.

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2 Responses to “Glory or misery”

  1. Alexander KW Says:

    Well done Liz (and Rupert too I suppose)
    Alexander from Marlborough

  2. T.Middleton Says:

    The only quible I have with the warre is that the flexible undermaterial for the quilt sags or sticks to the top box when doing an infrequent inspection:
    My action has been to put a thin play support at the bottom of the quilt box.

    Apart from this the hive is a doddle

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September 2011