Operation day

After 5 days Steve finally went under the knife and now remembles more his white van, bodged, and hopefully with a few years left to go.

We hope he will be back home on friday.

Posted: Wednesday, September 21st, 2011 at 18:48 by Steve Ham in Gossip.

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6 Responses to “Operation day”

  1. Martin Butcher Says:

    Dont forget to get them to do the other side, like the van when the front wheel came off!

  2. Phil Mackereth Says:

    Steve, have a good recovery. Sorry to hear of your mishap – must be an age thing.
    All the best,
    Phil M

  3. jesus olarra Says:

    nuestros mejores deseos para tu recuperacion…….guardamos muy buenos recuerdos de nuestra estancia y sobre todo de vuestra compaƱia….recuerdos a puri y familia esperamos volverte a ver .—-cuidate mucho y paciencia para los proximos tiempos de recuperacion…..

  4. mike thomas Says:

    Ouch, that wasn’t a clean break then. I hope Steve made it back home on Friday.

  5. Sara Spillett Says:

    Hi Puri and Steve – hope the operation went well and Steve in on the road to recovery.

  6. Alexander KW Says:

    Hope Steve is now home and being a brave little soldier, as it must hurt as lot.
    Love to you both.
    Alexander & Julie

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September 2011