Steve Uzi came over this year with one of Simon Murphy’s Zoot headsets which he was reviewing for Skywings. Steve is professionally involved in TV and sound stuff and thought a lot of the qualities of the headset. It has excellent robust screw in connector jacks, is well thought out, has a good mount for […]
Back home now to quite nice flying weather in Piedrahita. Yesterday we managed to get an hour or so at Montellano before going to the airport. Most had over 6 hours flying this week, with young Ed showing much promise for the future. No XC conditions the last week, but nice soaring in pleasant conditions […]
No flying but a bit of tourism in Ronda.
A good thermic flight today for Richard on the Blacklight, though the others got off a bit late to take full advantage. The second flight pretty much a downflight. Now back in Algo for probable rain tomorrow
This morning and looking so for tomorrow, very windy in Algo. We came up to Cenes for a couple of flights protected from the strong SE wind by the Sierra Nevada range. Tonight into downtown Granada for an Indian meal.
Gentle thermic conditions and light wind at the SE face of Algodonales . Ed continues to impress us with his first day dealing with thermals and often near the top of the stack and flying for around one and a half hours.
Another sunny day at Algo and another trip out to Montaellano. Ed further boosted his hours and Richard has now got to fly both the U turn Black light and the Rush 3.
Our first day down here in Southern Spain at Montellano with a strong N wind. We spent the morning on a hike to the Castle, but after lunch the wind had moderated to go from the lower take off. A few hours for most and flying till sunset. Ed, our new CP who to now […]
A few weeks back we were at Cenes next to Granada city and with the sun so low and staying on the South side for most of the time it seemed that flying the spur to the left of Cenes would be better. Years ago we flew from Purche, though now if you walk up […]