Our cat Fred, after around 12 years with us, dissapeared last night from our new encampment. A frantic day of worry and all my tracking skills to no avail. We finally decided he must have been taken by a wild animal (Fred is a very homely cat, never leaving sight of his bed and food […]
This period now has three slots available as 3 pilots had to pull out.
Our house is slowly going up but far from finished. We have now moved into the field and are in a reasonably lavish tent in the forest below. No internet connection, so I must steal moments when I am at the house, though there seems to be little time as the non flyable times are […]
Excellent conditons today. A light E on the first flight changed to a light NW for the XC. Nigel, Rob and myself landed at Avila with Peter at the bend in the road and Raymond about 20km short of Avila.
A standard day, with and early flight then and XC over the pass. Finn and I found it a bit bouncy on the other side so landed level with Amavida. A nice evening soar with good climbs till late. Martin made the most of his hang gliding flight and I flew a couple of commerical […]
Congratulations to Finn Kennedy today. After nearly 2 hours of flying around during the morning, Fin had a further 2.5hrs to Avila, landing near the city walls. A day with good Cu developement and a base of around 2600m. A great evening restitution flight was enjoyed by all, especially Martin on his hang glider.
I tried this method as an alternative to Warre´s method of artificial swarming for the case when: 1) The top box may not have viable eggs 2) Through the windows I can see obvious signs of queen cell construction in the 2nd box. The Warre method of driving the bees down and leaving the top […]
This, our first week, has gone quite well so far. The temperatures are in the 20s and we have had some good flying conditions. So far only Thursday has been none flyable (windy from SW). Miraculously our house arrived yesterday from the USA (//www.kuhnsbros.com/). Those of you who have been out with us over the […]
Yesterday we managed a fair bit of flying at Chia, including 4 commercial tandems. Today, with lighter conditions, nice thermals at Peña Negra, and Ian made a good flight to Barco. The afternoon we spent doing a little beekeeping and chicken watching. The evening flight never happend due to the wing going too far east.