Epic stuff to 126km. Heaps of pilots in goal

I missed it all, but saw the epic clouds streets running across the Ambles valley.  Tonight, at the Vine tree party there is certainly a hum in the air with many a tale of daring do.  Many pilots landed just short of the goal, but even with that there were many personal bests.  The winner of the task was Mark Watts in under 3 hours, so an amazing average speed.  Craig Morgan, the current UK champ was in 5 mins behind him.

Sporty conditions were reported and Nicky Moss threw her reserve somewhere near Villacastin but suffered no injury.

Tomorrow is looking equally epic, so we will probably have to do the 160km goal …….or maybe invent a new goal at 200km.

I promise I shall do my very best not to land at the pass.   I promise I shall do my very best not to land at the pass. ……..I´ll do the other 98 lines in longhand.

Posted: Wednesday, July 1st, 2009 at 21:33 by Steve Ham in British & Dutch Open 2009.

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July 2009