Very good potential. Flying to the SW at last!(106.2km)

High presures over the Iberian Peninsular with a ridge of high pressure forning to the SW bringing a general increase in temperatures. Winds around 15km/hr within convection layer from the NE.  Good quality thermals with base to a c3000m.

With eastly condition we oftne end up at Barco or Tornavacas Pass.  If we are feeling brave the light winds and relatively high base should allow us to continue towards Plasencia.


Skew T 15.00

Potential task

Conditions with time over task (1o9km/5 hrs)

View of some key points

The google earth view below from v. high and looking to the SW through Barco, Tornavacas Pass and Plasencia (pink arrows).  the yellow spots are recomended climbs and the red circle is a danger/restricted area (nuclear power station).

WSW to Pasencia from Barco

What happened

Pretty much as forecast (almost down the the times if you see the track forecasts above), with a few PBS (Bart and Gavin and almost Chris).   Gavin at 106.2. Could have been more but he needed a pee.  Really great conditions in general with climbs to 3100m max and average decent climbs to 4m/s.  Very boaty at end of day so we could have done another 30km easily.  Tomorrow is going to be epic, and Wednesday remarkable.

gavin 106.2km

All tracks

Posted: Monday, July 16th, 2012 at 07:59 by Steve Ham in Daily Report, Flying Journal.

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2 Responses to “Very good potential. Flying to the SW at last!(106.2km)”

  1. Helen Says:

    Well done Babe/ Daddy,
    Congratulations on your longest and furthest flight to date. We are very proud of you. Keep up the good work. Stey safe… (that goes to the rest of the group too)
    Lots of Love
    H, Charlie & Ruby

  2. Mark Gallagher Says:

    Well done muppets. Looking forward to more fine results as the week goes on. I feel a propper jerk for opting out! The live log is brill for those back home.

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