Classic blue convergence day. 4 in Avila
The Cold front now having passed leaves us with a very interesting XC day. Winds in the West, though perhaps too North for really long flights beyond Avila. Good blue thermals of around 3-5m/s and convergence.
Report @21:30: XC to Avila
Well, the N came in a little so we stopped at Avila. Ken and I were the only ones to get over the Pass on the first attempt as conditions were a little light up to the Pass – then 5m/s + thermals. Max height for us around 3200m and hugh blue convergence 10km from Avila. Wallis and Dirk made it to Avila on their second attempt arriving around 7.30pm and getting higher climbs than Ken and I. The view below shows than Ken and I took a more northerly track. A nice day, but a bit full on in the convergence!