SW wind and instability. Andy in a tree

The wind at take off at 8.30am is SW (over the back).   Not too strong, and winds around the province are similarly light. Models show at least 20km/hr at take of level and the upper level instability may lead to Congestus build up during the day with some isolated storms.  Convergence likely well to the north of the mountains.  The section across the route shows greater thermic potential and cloud build up in this area.

The winds may come on at Peña Negra but we will probably go earlier to Lastra to ensure an early take off.  Winds likely to be light N at end of day permitting evening flight (if not storm activity in the Corneja Valley).


Well, light winds all day (though wave at somestage) and quick build up of altostratus and Cirrus.  Wind light and off on all the hills.  A late afternoon atempt at Lastra saw Dirk nad Andy safely off, but Andy misjudging his landing and ending up in a very large Oak tree (no injury to himself) Thanks to action man Dirk, a saw and a ladder, some hours later the glider was down and we were  back in time for the 2nd half of Spain Vs Croatia.

Noon 18th

Skew T

Possible XC track

Conditions along track

Posted: Monday, June 18th, 2012 at 08:00 by Steve Ham in Daily Report, Flying Journal.

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June 2012