Offical Training Day
A classic day with Cu to just over 3000 and light NW winds. Shame it was not a comp day. I set a short 66km course around the valley with a pre start point then start at the Wooden House. The often flown course crossing and opening out towards the valley and goal in Piedrahita. When I left goal there were around 50+ arrivals with more on their way.
My nerves are quite frazzled after the TL briefing over ran and our arrival at take off was delayed and hence pilots had to cope with the increasing wind at take off (Averaging 18km/hr, though with occational peaks to 33km/hr towards the end of launch Window). One reserve deployment reported (with no further consequences) near the penulitmate turnpoint at Hoyoredondo, but reported quickly and effectively by a pilot in the air and almost simultaneously by Team Leaders from France and Switzerland before the parachute had even reached the ground.
July 4th, 2011 at 22:11
Well done to you all!
July 5th, 2011 at 14:14
Hi Steve and Co
The live tracking works great on google earth.
I am following the first tasks.
Main group taking the northan rout (no mans land) and the current leaders on the Anvila southen rout.
I expect the ones taking the northan route have the advantage of no airspace dogleg.
Armchair paragliding.
Got my gear yet?