Stork School

After a rainy Tuesday, Wednesday has turned out pretty epic with nice Cus, very little wind and perfect climbs.

The recently fledged storks have been out in force around the valley taking climbs to near cloud base and generally getting flying fit for the big migration towards the end of July.   Laura and I had an encounter with them on the morning flight near the landing field, and on the XC I got involved with group of around 20 (with a couple of vultures mixed in) around the Long Bar.   Laura, who is a novice to thermals did a flight of around and hour and a half with climbs to near 2500m landing near the quarry.   The best from Jonathan, who climbed at the pass but got decked on the way back home.    I had an easy flight back from the pass with little need to turn in the huge blocks of lift.

Hopefully we will have another big evening lift off for another modest out and return to the zig zag or corral.

Posted: Wednesday, June 17th, 2009 at 16:52 by Steve Ham in Flying Journal.

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One Response to “Stork School”

  1. Roger Braney Says:

    Good that you are all having some good flying & drinking in th Pinera Bar, hope the rest of the week is epic. Wish I was there.

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June 2009