The arrival of the first Storks

Today I spotted my first stork, fresh in from Africa and inspecting the state of the nest on the building behind our house.  It has been a severe winter here, and continues cold wet and snowy, and if I were a stork I would hang around a little longer in Africa.  However, there are so many mating pairs of storks here that the competition for nesting sites is high so arriving early is important.

This time last year was the driest warmest winter ever which led to the wettest spring on record.   This year is the opposite and I predict a booming dry normal spring flying season.  I think many people were frightened of from ever comming out again in May after last year, but this year I hope to we will enjoy the normal top XC conditions we have had in the past.  So, follow the storks example and come early!

I will be making a trip to Andalucia in March.  I hope some of you can join me to get some early season flying in.

Posted: Wednesday, January 28th, 2009 at 15:01 by Steve Ham in Flying Journal.

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January 2009