A remarkable day!

After dropping our mainly Irish group at the airport we got quickly back to Piedrahita with the Dunstable group for a 2pm take off. Never done in my memory, since we normally get back to late and only fly in the evening. They had been out till late the night before and with the early flight most had no more than 2 hours of sleep…..just enough to jump straight into 5m/s thermals and a base of 3200m. As Teclas was on his day off we did a valley circuit to Bonilla and back. I flew tandem with Juan, the forestry worker I had flown on Tuesday evening. He was quite blown away by the whole thing.

An evening flight, but very late as a strong wind came in during the late afternoon.

Posted: Sunday, July 27th, 2008 at 20:55 by Steve Ham in Flying Journal.

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July 2008