Post frontal day

After Monday’s front, today was an excellent flying day with amazing visibility and a very pretty Cu filled sky. the early flight had the base less than 100m above the hill, but the thermals were good enough to range well out into the middle of the valley. For the XC flight, Colin was the first to climb out and get away and was hovering around the Quarry 10km away while the rest of the group were still having problems getting up at the big spine. When we arrived at the Quarry Colin had fizzled out, landing near the first junction (followed by a few others). Wouter and myself were able to fly up to Casas del Puerto then follow a cloud street upwind (N) to near Tortoles then fly back to Piedrahita via the north of the valley. The evening flight continued with light wind and good thermal climbs to after 8pm. Some did the Corrals ridge run, and I flew out to the Cerro la Cruz range. All in all an excellent day

Posted: Tuesday, June 17th, 2008 at 21:33 by Steve Ham in Flying Journal.

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June 2008