Some 70km triangles completed

A succession of fronts lining up in the North which will generate Cbs in the N, but we will remain fine but with perhaps some high cloud later in the afternoon.   Much lighter winds, with good XC potential.   Yesterday I was nervous about going across the pass due to the high wind forecast.  Today you should pull out all the stops as it should be fine AND tomorrow it is going to be rubbish for flyingXC, though light winds may allow us a bit of local flying!

Wind going N at the end of the day, so for this not making the long XC, the conditions this evening should be better than we have been having the  last few days with the westerlies.

mid day



section over time

What Happened.

Nice conditions with v. light winds and circuits to the Pass, red roof, Barco and back completed the Mikes, Chris and Chinny.  Excellent day finished with a BBQ at the 2nd house.


Posted: Friday, August 29th, 2014 at 08:09 by Steve Ham in Daily Report.

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2 Responses to “Some 70km triangles completed”

  1. Phil Says:

    Good luck today chaps. Avila and back! Then ice cream and beer before a lovely evening boat about

  2. Phil Says:

    Wow good flying chaps, top effort. Lovely bit of Piedrahita valley flying. I see Steve Ham has got that calling for ice cream and beer at the Barco bar and why not, it is a lovely place to land and refresh ones self. The magic triangle finally worked for Jonathan G as well. I’m sat looking out at rain and strong winds, I would rather be enjoying that ice cream and non alcoholic shandy with Steve.

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August 2014