Light southerlies with 12,000ft thermal tops


We are still under the influence of high pressure but a low slowly approaching from the West whichy thursday will complicate the flying a lot.

Light SW winds today at most levels, though should come onto our launch at PN.   High base at around 12.000ft and supposedly blue thermals, though I would suspect we will see some cloud in the mountains and convergence areas.

Very good for  xc flights beyond Avila so we will look at the airspace in the briefing.

If you dont know how to use a Skew T chart  such as that below, then look at this link

What Happened

Lots of shadow on the hill and we had difficulty getting up as you needed to go out to the sunshine which was a long way out.  I did get there and was rewarded with a 4.5m/sec climb to 3000m.  The others were not so lucky, thoug h3 flights for most.



approximate track

Cross section of above track


Posted: Monday, September 23rd, 2013 at 08:26 by Steve Ham in Daily Report, Flying Journal.

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2 Responses to “Light southerlies with 12,000ft thermal tops”

  1. karl ford Says:


    I clicked the link to how to read skew ts but it takes you a front page that asks for a login etc, i.e. a subscription education service. Is there any way of getting straight to the relevant article please?

    Karl (You’ve fired my interest in these things!)

  2. Paul Russell Says:

    Use the link above and register on the Meted site.

    Then search for Skew-T in the module titles.
    There is a module called “Skew-T Mastery”

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September 2013