Tuesday 20th July: 2 Goal flights to Barco. Morning and evening.
A NE flow day and poor thermals initially, We did the classic run to Barco on the xc flight, then repeated it for the eveinging flight (though only Sofi and I arrived on that one).
A NE flow day and poor thermals initially, We did the classic run to Barco on the xc flight, then repeated it for the eveinging flight (though only Sofi and I arrived on that one).
Goal for Sofi and I on a day with quite scratch conditons in the Piedrahita valley then N convergence in Ambles valley. A bit windy on landing in Avila for us both.
Very nice evening flying later for all.
Backon the main site with a NW and some pretty strong climbs (upto 7m/s), but not going much more than 2700m. Most stayed local, with only Huy going over the Pass. Great evening flying, smooth and easy with the whole ridge run possible.
A lot of driving today for just some local flying this morning at Pedro Bernardo. The strong wind forecast gave us the best hope of a flight for all experience levels at PB. So was the case. Later , on route back (after visiting the caves near PB) 4 of the group had a flight launching formt he extreme West take off (other side of power lines).
A big day from Lastra with climbs to around 3300m and around 20km of wind pushing us along the convergence to the NE. A few early bomb outs, but Anton to 90 and Media for Ana, Helen and Steve. Singas carried on to the airspace of Valladolid.
Saturday and a good forecast and empty take off compared to previous days with the pre PWC. We went early due to probably higher winds coming down. However it was pretty scratchy low down and many in our group landed at the Cemetery near the Pass. I manage a strong climb there but only made it to 2400 and was soon on the groud the other side of the Pass. Alan also crossed with a similar fate a bit further on. Only Ian and Chino managed to continue, with Ian landing at Avila and Chino getting to the Goal of the Day in Segovia.
A personal best and an amazing flight for Nadav. Today the forecast was one of those epic amazing days…but with wind variable and mainly behind with dust devils at launch. The Pre PWC cancelled and soon after the conditions became good for aobut 20minutes. However, in our group, only Nadav was able to launch.
An excellent day with a NW flow and NE low down at times. The pre PWC did an ambitious task or around 130km with a TP at Sanchidrian, far to the NE and back to the Avila valley for goal. We avoided the worse of the headwinds, some pilots: Gal and Chino, returning to the Pass from the Windmills after Avila and getting around 127km for the day. Helen, in Avila, other on route and David at the origional goal of Segovia, with SinGas and myself a bit back from there. Nadev made the full out and return all the way back to Piedrahita from Avila.
the Pre PWC flew the race to Avila and back to near the Pass. Over 60 in goal I believe. Our group made various choices, 3 following the task and others staying in the Corneja valley, some, such as Chino, going from the Pass, to the north, Barco and back. Good Cu development, but getting big and powerful in places in the Avila valley.
This morning we went to Lastra whilst the unfortunate PrePWC had to deal with the tail wind at PN. Althought we managed 3000m behind launch, the lead group hit heavy sink and bombed out on the north side of the valley . Helen and Sin Gas took better lines and made nice flights towards Penaranda. We now wait for the wind to change to fly at PN and to join the competitors for a late afternoon flight, who have had the bad luck to be stuck at a tailwind launch on a rather nice XC day.