Late afternoon goal flight to Avila.

The PrePWC had to cancel today as the winds at launch were a little top end.  However, later in the afternoon, around 5.30 , we launched from the lower take off, and 13 of the group crossed to the Avila valley.  Some getting as high as 3600m.  5 in Avila and the rest spread back along the valley.  Not bad for what was really almost an evening flight.  Curiously, I made a badly judged transition to the hills south of Avila but was caught out by the strong wind and did not clear the crest of the hill landing on the top amonsts stones and bushes and a pack of 4 dogs.  Keeping the glider above my head I was able to get to the edge of the hill about 40m in front and glide off, saving myself a considerable walk down.

Posted: Tuesday, July 16th, 2019 at 00:00 by Steve Ham in Daily Report, Flying Journal.

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One Response to “Late afternoon goal flight to Avila.”

  1. Steve C Says:

    Don’t start stealing my job,,, getting it wrong and landing in unusual places is my domain

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July 2019