Decent XCs each day of last week.
Another week over and good flying every day of the week. Mostly very light winds with few days with convergence with which we were able to utilize for long easy XCs. However, we all had plenty of flying, though mostly triangles between the Villatoro and Tornavacas Pass. We did get 2 Avila goal days however.
Ian continues to amaze me. He has been coming out to see us every year since the 90s and normally only gets to fly this one week of the year with no flying back in the UK at all. He also has only changed his equipment twice in that time. So, on old B rated gliders he goes straight into the big conditions and regularly knocks out good XCs, inlcuding a 145km goal flight last year. Below are some of his triangle flights from the last few days. This year he is here for 2 weeks for the first time and his airtime for the first week is I think already well over 20hrs. A little caricature painting I did of him about 3 years ago also below.
August 22nd, 2018 at 20:41
Will it be possible to fly RPT into Avalon on the Saturday AM & depart from there in the PM?