4000m plus again and a quick run to Avila.

An evening flight on arrival yesterday and the first XC today for the new group.  A high base forecast with light wind, but looking a bit N at Avila.  Myself, Dave and Earl were soon over the Pass in climbs going to 7m/s, but the quickly developing clouds kept us from haning around and we were landing at Avila after a quick run with some towereing Cu behind us.  However, Iain, Gil and Dave S had to have a reflight after bombing near Piedrahita, and being much later had some problems with the cloud at the Pass.  Gil actually finally reached Avila after encoutering some light hail.  Iain was less lucky, finding  hail and landing in high winds and rain just the other side of the Pass.  Johan, also made it along way along the Avila Pass, and would have done better but got a little lost in the hazy air.  The week ahead looks pretty good, but we are hoping the air quality and visibility will improve

Posted: Monday, August 6th, 2018 at 21:47 by Steve Ham in Daily Report, Flying Journal.

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August 2018