Goodbye Derbyshire Soaring Club.


Last night dinner at our house.  A Piella

4 day pre PWC and liga national which was cancelled).  However, although last week the weather was awful on Monday and Tuesday, for the rest of the week we had good conditions, though not up to the 3000m-4000m climbs and big XCs we had been getting regularly this summer.  Yesterday finished off with with a classic evening flight with decent thermals to 2800 to after 8.30pm.  Thanks to Steve Charlesworth for doing a lot of the organisation of the group beforehand.  See you all next year…and perhaps some of you for a special week at the end of September.

We now into September, these first two weeks being perhaps my favourite of the year as conditions are generally very reliable and good for +100km flights but without the tremendous strength often found in July.  These weeks through to the end of the month are more suitable for those less experienced in XCs and thermal flying as the anabatic winds are usually less, which gives us more chance of re-flights and generally less turbulence.

Posted: Sunday, September 3rd, 2017 at 11:09 by Steve Ham in Flying Journal.

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September 2017