Weather:11th of July

Today we have a cold front to our  West, straddling the Portuguese border around mid day.  Winds are going to be on the high side and we have a strong valley inversion early in the morning so the thermic  day may start a little late.  However , later in the day there may be clouds in the mountains reaching 4000m, though around 3500m is more likely in the flats.  A potentially good day for Open XC, however the N component makes it an unlikely 200km day.

There is a certain amount of conflict  in the wind strength reports.  Some look fine and some I would consider blown out.  We will not know really until we observe from take off and later from the air.  The more northerly aspect over the next few days will ensure very good quality evening flying for those who are less focused on distances.

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Posted: Monday, July 11th, 2016 at 07:35 by Steve Ham in Daily Report.

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July 2016