Light NE, unstable early on.

What Happened!.  A decent day with very good climbs to near 3000m early in the day.  Some of us went to Barco landing due to poss overdevelopment.  For the evening flight 8 of us did the run to Barco in great thermic conditions.

Weather forecast

Wind at 8.30am is very light on top of PN which is a good sign we can fly there with anabatic wind early on.  A good thing as we are likely to get some large Cu build up and possible showers mid afternoon.  Later in the day it seems there is more stability above which should reduce the depth of the Cu’s or congestus.

If all goes well we should get an early flight with some hope of a quick dash to Barco or flying around the valley.  Then late afternoon a decent evening flight.

Briefing c 10am.  9.45 if we see definite signs of the wind on the hill and developing Cu before. At 9 am the wind is a light SE, however it is better to try to wait to fly at PN if possible so I will leave that decision as late as possible (I am monitoring the windsock with my telescope).  If it is crossed/on, then we can take off from the slope below PN rock to the W of the main launch site.

You tracker numbers are up on the site.  You will have the same all week so remember that number.

If you have a smartphone, bookmark the LAND APP. //

This will allow  you to see where everybody is and the van in relationship to your tracker.  It has very low data usage, just a few cents, if you don’t us the map option.



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track to barco

track to barco

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Posted: Monday, September 7th, 2015 at 07:59 by Steve Ham in Daily Report.

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September 2015