SW and and quickly over the back at Lastra

A moderate SW flow today.  We have a trough over central Spain and instability has increased compared to yesterday.  Base looks around 3600m but we don´t really want to go there today. Very likely  Cbs early afternoon.  We cannot wait at the PN take off for it to come on, so we will go to Lastra to get an early flight.  leaving shortly after 10am.  I can´t seem to access a Skew T this morning, but  it is pretty clear that it is unstable and problematic.


What Happened.

An early 11 isn take off at Lastra and all soon over the back after some decent but sometimes turbulent climbs.  We landed in the Valley behind since Puri radioed that we are getting strong winds in the Piedrahita valley.  Cbs around later in the afternoon.


Track and winds at 1800m

conditions along track.

Posted: Monday, June 22nd, 2015 at 07:53 by Steve Ham in Daily Report.

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June 2015