Blue thermals, NE winds. Barco flights morning and evening

Finally we have some more stability in the upper levels.  Today it is unlikely that we will see cumulus.  There is an inversion around 2600m, and with the top temperatures today we are unlikely to make it above 3000m.

A NE flow, so we will be going towards Barco and the Valle de Jerte.  I will try to show you the terrain on google earth 3D in the briefing.  Essentially after 30km the table lands finish and you drop down into a valley with the floor at about 600m asl.  The Valley is a little challenging for landings for the first 15 km.




Below we have a cross section of the track shown where we can see the winds and potential thermal climb heights between noon and 8pm.

Potential track down Jerte valley and winds at 1800m

cross section along the track above. temp , winds and thermal heights


What happened.

Wind a little bit stronger than anticipated.  Barco for many and beyond for Philipe this morning.  Most of the group made Barco on the evening flight.

Posted: Tuesday, June 16th, 2015 at 07:51 by Steve Ham in Daily Report.

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June 2015