SW, Blue convergence but a bit more stable than recently

High pressure over Azores and Russia with our heat low over spain.  Sunny conditions, though a  little more stable than recently with an inversion around 2600m and thermals likely to be quite sluggish till later in the afternoon.  Probable climbs to 3000m in the hotspots and convergence.  The stronger than recent SW may make it a little  turbulent around take off , but probably not far enough to the S to think of rushing off to Lastra the S site.

Goal for the day.  Avila and Beyond.  No point in trying to come back today due to wind strength and poor themal quality.  Not the best of days, but persistence may get some to Segovia.




winds at top of lift and section route

section over time

What Happened

Big group today with all 17 trackers in use.  The more stable forecast was right with only Jonothan and Chinny getting over the Pass.  Tomas and I landed on the plater N or the pass.  No tracker for me at the mo since they are all being used.

Posted: Monday, August 25th, 2014 at 08:12 by Steve Ham in Daily Report, Flying Journal.

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One Response to “SW, Blue convergence but a bit more stable than recently”

  1. Phil Says:

    Nice first day Jon. 26Km and lots of staying power before the pass. Got over in the end. Bet you’re pleased with that.

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August 2014