Cooler NE flow
The cold front has passed leaving us with a cooler NE flow. The is an inversion around 2600 and a further kink at around 3000m. Lower level winds are light (supposedly) and winds above the boundary layer seem to be more W. I don’t think this day will provide an amazing XC day like we have been seeing over the last week or so. Post frontal days in summer normally drop the thermal heights considerably, successive days should become warmer with higher climbs.
NE winds do tend to be a little aggressive and deceptive.
To go far we would need to go down the cherry tree valley which as discussed already has its challenges.
NB. Puri is going to Salamanca today, so the non flying ladies in the group may like a trip there! Leaving around 11am.
What Happened.
Trip to Barco for Johan and I and short for the others. reasonable evening flying but a bit E.