Spanish Nationals day 6. Flying again. Blue thermals to 3000m+

friday am


x section winds at 2400m

cross section over time

Start position



The instability will only affect the Pyrenees and Cantabria today.  We will have a sunny day with blue thermals to above 3000m and a NW wind.

Task suggestions

The wind will be around 15 o 20km an hour and a little crossed at launch but will still come onto the take off well enough for a safe launch.,  However, I would not recommend flights along and back the ridge due to the westerly component.

Them most satisfactory task today would be a distant goal down wind.  However, the northerly aspect will make a really long flight difficult so I would leave it at 100km *junction near Fuentemilanos.

The start should be somewhere easy to wait, which like in the last task should be on the Big Spine, so a cylinder around launch of 6km.   Race start with multiple times would once again be best for safety (not too long waiting at launch or in the air, and if you are blown down the valley in a weak climb then you do not need to fight your way back up wind)

Tomorrow is also looking good.

Posted: Friday, July 4th, 2014 at 08:32 by Steve Ham in Flying Journal.

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July 2014