Westerly and unstable

Situation Today

Not disimilar to yesterday, though with more westerly than SW and tending to NW by end of day, so things may become nice on the mountain at the end of the day for evening flying if we have no Cbs.

A better scenario early on this morning than yesterday, so we shall go up and probably have a go.  If we go XC we need to be aware that the Ambles valley may be a bit exciting, so a track such as Wednesday, going N of the Windmills, or even better more N before the Pass would be best.  If there is early overdevelopment, then flying within our valley is generally a bit safer.


X section to Avila



Three Day forecast

Today and tomorrow it looks as if the wind will be a major factor in flying at Peña Negra as the wind will be more to the SW and relatively strong.   Sunday may allow easier flying at Peña Negra.  Throughout the period we are affected by relatively high humidity and instability so there is a high risk of showers during the late afternoon.

Pronóstico para el Fin de semana

Hoy y mañana parece que el viento va a ser un factor importante para volar en Peña Negra ya que soplará del suroeste y relativamente fuerte. El domingo puede ser más fácil. Vamos a estar afectados por humedad alta e inestabilidad, así que hay un elevado riesgo de tormentas a mediodía.




3 day point forecast for Piedrahita . Winds

3 day point forecast Piedrahita. Thermal index





Posted: Friday, September 6th, 2013 at 08:38 by Steve Ham in Daily Report, Flying Journal.

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One Response to “Westerly and unstable”

  1. Joaquin Vallina Says:

    Es de agradecer a Steve, esta prediccion del fin de semana, ayuda mucho a la prmocion de la zona de vuelo, aunque este no sea el ideal para acercarse a volar. Un saludo y gracias de nuevo

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