PB for Johan, first time over the Pass and 47km


A cooler day with the wind finally coming around to the PN take off.  This morning at 9am light W, though we can expect possibly even NE by the afternoon.



XC section to Segovia


Inversions at 2600 m and c3100m.  Not really getting going untill around 2pm.  At 10.30am the wind is still cross over the back (SW).  On such a day it really should straighten up and come onto PN.

It would be feasible to fly at Lastra early on as on the other days, though with a forcast like we have it would  normally come onto PN.  However, if it does not!

Quite fierce winds towards the top of the climbs and one can imagine this will be a bit turbulent with some nice shear layers.

Most of the days climbs will not go above 2700m , with the occasional convergence climb to around 3000m so airspace will not be a big issue if we get beyond Avila.

What Happened

Plenty of flying, but many of us bombing early at the cemetery and quarry area.  Johan, Marshal and Christian made it over on the first attempt and David later in the afternoon.

Tracks. Johan in Red 47.5km PB



Posted: Saturday, August 3rd, 2013 at 07:58 by Steve Ham in Daily Report, Flying Journal.

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August 2013