Windy SW and a bit stable


X section to NE

X section to NE


This is not going to be an easy day to get decent flying if we look at the tables above.

A heat wave approaches from the SE, though largely leaves us to its west.  There is an approaching cold front which will skim the N of the peninsula and should give more instability tomorrow.  At the moment high pressure and a thermal trigger temp of 28ºC, which is high as we are only expecting ground temps of c30 here, so maybe like yesterday, a bit windy and stable.  Also winds are high and more S than yesterday, so unlikely to come onto PN, so another scary morning at Lastra perhaps.

Thermal tops around 3200m with a 30ºC ground temp.

An early trip to Lastra, but even if we get off before it is blown out, there will be poor thermals early on.

Posted: Thursday, July 25th, 2013 at 08:03 by Steve Ham in Daily Report, Flying Journal.

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July 2013