3000m West winds.



Time and conditions to Segovia

The Depression forming in the Atlantic moves further North to the UK giving us (and the UK and Irelamnd) a similar forecast to much of this summer.   Upper level stronger W winds but light enough for good paragliding in convection layer.  Base to around 3000m, with some peaks to 3500m.  Convergence likely and mainly blue thermals.  Some Cirrus may slow things down.

A good day with potential for 100km+ towards Segovia and perhaps beyond.  Conditions will not really get going untill around 2pm. Trigger temperature around 26ºC.  (Best to be at launch before 12.45).

What Happened?

All went down at the Pass, except John, who after a trip to the Bees went over with me but landed at around 30km.  The rest went back to take off and Nigel and Simon got over later, but N winds prevented getting all the way to Avila

Posted: Monday, August 13th, 2012 at 08:12 by Steve Ham in Daily Report, Flying Journal.

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August 2012