Light winds and blue thermals to c3000m

The temperatures should steadily rise over then next few days with the formation of a heat low over the Iberian Peninsula.  By Wednesday we may see some more instability in the upper levels.  Today very light winds and the dry adiabatic is well to the right.  Probably a late start but then good as the trigger temp of around 29-30ºC degrees in the valley is reached.  light variable winds but dominance of a N-NE componend which should set us off towards Barco initially unless we get very good climb outs around take off.  A multitude of closed circuit options, though best decided in the air as conditions develop.

The time/conditions cuts from the take off to the end of the sierra de Francia


a possible

section /conditions/time to NW

What Happened

The day never really blossomed as the stability made for difficult climbs after Barco.  I guess Bill is the hero of the day as he declared Barco as goal and got there (along with all the others too) but had a tough time with low saves near the Chalet.

Kim, Marcus and myself went a little along towards the Tornavacas Pass but landed around the 26km mark.

A bif forest fire about 20km NW of Bejar and a small one broke out near our landing as well.

Nice evening flying and I got to fly Silvia, who we could not fly last monday as we were on our way back from he 106km with Gavin.

Silvia´s tandem

Now here is a joke.. Fresh from Geneva from Emilio

The Archbishop of Canterbury and
The Royal Commission for Political

announced today that the climate in the

should no longer be referred to as
‘English Weather’

Rather than offend a sizeable portion of

UK population, it will nowbe referred to as:

‘Muslim Weather’

( Partly Sunni, but mostly Shi’ite )

Posted: Monday, July 23rd, 2012 at 08:10 by Steve Ham in Daily Report, Flying Journal.

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