3100m NW winds. 2X XCs

With top temp of 29ºC (compared with yesterdays 35ºC), bluethermals to 3100m.  With 33ºC in the plains we may get Congestus forming.  Lighter winds than yesterday and of a more Northely component.  The stronger Westerlies lie above the convective layer.  Fine for a flight to Avila, but probably too North for much further.


Skew T 15.00 with 39ºC

coniditions over time to Segovia

What Happened

Quite and evenfull day.  First off conditions quite weak with climbs to c2600 and light NW.  Mysefl and Richard flew to Pass and back, with others droping out mainly near Villafranca.  Later we went up for a  2nd XC attempt though only Nigel, Richard, Bart and myself got off in a lull.  Nigle at Muñogalindo, Richard at he bend and I myself to Avila (pretty much a glide from Amavida in the bouyant air for 30km).  Bart unfortunately flew to far back near the big spine so landed on top.  He  managed to find a good spot to relaunch and lamnded in town near sunset after the wind at the crest of the hill had abated.


Richard. Todays Sky God with 2 XCs. An O&R c 40 and Open to 35km

Nigel - bust before 50km

Posted: Friday, July 20th, 2012 at 08:12 by Steve Ham in Daily Report, Flying Journal.

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