Light E wind and blue thermal tops at 3900m (3X100km O&R)
Another epic paragliding day with the conditions ramped up from yesterday with a max temp of 32ºC. Yesterdays flight and more is feasable. I have included the time and conditions over yesterdays route bleow. However, with the lighter wind and more easterly componend it may be more interesting to fly more to the NW, skirting the Sierra de Francia and then towards Cuidad Rodrigo and Portugal. This would be a very interesting flight and wholly in the flatlands, thus avoiding the stress of the Cherry tree valley.
Briefing around 11am. Be very excited. This is an amazing day
What Happened.
It certainly was an amazing day, we hit a bit of N wind near Gijuelo which decked quite a few after around 35km. Only Richard, Nigel and myself managed to get up. Then v.easy with climbs to 3800m, but when we reached Linares at 54km we found a NW low down so we abandoned the plans to fly to Portugal and flew home for a nice 100km. Around 6.5hrs
Richard fumbled the last climb/glide and landed a bit short. However, he smashed his previous PB (40km) and seems pretty happy about the day
July 17th, 2012 at 08:29
Congratulation Gavin, nicely done on yesterdays fight!!!
Just one question, … what wing do you have?
(To Steve, would be interesting to know what wings the clients have, possibly include some where … ?)
Well good luck guys for to-days flight!! ;0)
July 17th, 2012 at 21:37
My favourite quote is “we abandoned the plans to fly to Portugal”