Campeonato de España de Biplaza 2012

Bienvenido a los pilotos y co pilotos del Campeoanato. Os deseo a todos buenos vuelos y mucha suerte. Ddurante los siguentes dias pondré en esta pagina un sinopsis del tiempo y algunas consideraciones del microclima que puede ayudaros a selectionar vuestras managas y orientaros en vuestros vuelos.

Weather Briefing.


High pressure is increasing, though a high level trough which entered the North of the Peninsula yesterday has brought some instability to the upper levels. With the expected maximum temerature of 25ºC we can expect good quality thermals to a cloud base of around 3500m. Early on the clouds may grow to significant depths. Howerver these Congestus clouds should thin out later in the afternoon as high pressure continues to increase.

(Click on Skew-Ts for lager clearer image)

Skew T late afternoon

What can we expect to do?

The winds at Peña Negra at 8.30am are WNW and light- Although upper level winds are from the SW the lower level winds in the Corneja and Ambles valley will be from the NW. There is a tendency for the wind to move more North during the day. This makes flighs beyond Avila difficult as low level winds will impede progress. Convergence in the Ambles valley is likely from Mñogalindo N-S towards Solosancho.

Convergencia en Amables con noroeste

Crossing he Pass should be relatively safe and easy (crossing high ground to S, not via Antenna).

The problem for task setting is that you will have a low level cross headwind after leaving Muñogalindo towards Avila, and the same if you return. A goal at Avila is good as the last 15km are a struggle but normally eaily achieveable. You could fly back towards the Pass – but do not try to cross back agains the headwind at the Pass (Goal in Poveda or Amavida).

You can try a dog leg using the covergence Muñogalindo – Solosancho, then retruning towards Pass for a goal, or finishing in Avila.

Good tasks for Tandems/CEN B class gliders with these conditions

3 day

Next days:

Tomorrow we have a more favorable day for Open XC. Friday wooks difficult for flights far beyond Avila.



Posted: Wednesday, July 11th, 2012 at 07:54 by Steve Ham in Daily Report, Flying Journal.

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One Response to “Campeonato de España de Biplaza 2012”

  1. Lluís Granero Says:

    Hi Steve, ¿ me puedes hechar una mano?

    En el meteograma de tu página:

    Al lado de la curva de temperatura en rojo y la curva de rocio en azul, aparece una tercera línea en color rosa que entiendo es la curva de temperatura con una temperatura de disparo superior a la estimada y sigue la adiabática seca hasta la condensación y de ahí sigue paralela a la adiabática saturada.

    Bien, la pregunta es: ¿esa curva la has pintado tu o es alguna opción del xc skies cuando seleccionas Skew T? No consigo encontrar donde puedo seleccionar una temperatua de suelo diferente de la trazada en el plot.

    ¿Puedes ayudarme?


    Lluís Granero

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