Potentially Epic XC day

Hight pressure at surface level but with developing heat low over centrakl and S Spain.  Light winds starting NE but going W.  Convdergence very likely.  Blue thermals to around 3300m with potential Cu at 3800m in the hot spots and potential to buid congestus at end of day if Cu form.  Good chance for Segovia if not too N at Avila.

Potentially a long day (long time to get to Segovia) due to light drift.


Skew T 15:00

Surface winds

Development along track to Segovia

Thermal index along track with time


A long day.  Superb conditions with climbs to over 3500m and over 3000m straght off from start.  Unusually light around the approach to pass which put many on the ground.  Tim, Mike, Rob and myself over the Pass.  Remarkably – like many of our visiting pilots, Mike, Rob, and Nick last flew here last year, and after this holiday will probably not fly again untill next year.  lack of practice seems to make no difference, as they all bagged a great flight and Nick, although not crossing, made his PB height gain.

Much smoother than previous days, but still very strong.  We did not go on from Avila as we wished to get back for the evening flight – which was a classic big restitution flight.


Catherine 3000m + after launch

Posted: Monday, June 25th, 2012 at 08:03 by Steve Ham in Daily Report, Flying Journal.

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June 2012