Lots of PBs and lots of airtime
Well that was a week. Baz made his PB twice, today the second time this week with around 50km and 4 hours airitime. Ian Walker made PB twice and with 21 and a quater hours for the week. Likewise Catherine with her Avila run and Also Wim. Today also Colin with a Pb distance, possibley time (around 3 hours) and definitely sunburn. We seemed to be somewhat overbooked today with some of next weeks clients here early for next week….and not a good time for the White van to be in the garage with mid season sickness.
July 31st, 2011 at 21:42
Ooh Colin, you do look a bit pink !!!!!!!!!! Matches your collar though Ha Ha. Hope you had a good week mate. My turn soon – only 4 weeks away. New glider in tow also. Come on baby………. Preying for some good weather this year.
Hello Paul also, hope you are well. Will you still be there on 28th Aug?
August 1st, 2011 at 16:15
Well done Colin! Looks like a dream week (apart from the van)