92km Goal. Light SW going NW base to 3100m.
Today I set a triangle reaching out well north of the Ambles valley (first time this has been used) at Solana de Rioalmar, the back to Solonsancho on the S side of Ambles, and finally a into wind push to the goal at Amavida. 2 parachutes deployed, both on 2 liners and both unhurt. (Yesterday we had 1 deployment and one bad landing on the big spine.).
Plenty in goal when I left it, the first being Lucas Bernardin(F), then Checu (E). It looks as though this will be a very very good week with rising base and continued light winds. good photos once again at Mario Arque´s www. perfils.info. He is going round the course with me each day in the van so gets to see what I do (actually not so much from the ground!) and obvioulsy has a better camera and better eye for photo than I do.
June 14th, 2011 at 19:56
Sorry, I thought that yesterday’s deployment was Jean Marc Malhonda, with a SOL glider, non R-11.
Cheers, Angel LIllo
June 14th, 2011 at 20:52
2 liners trying to kill their pilots – just as I thought. Take care, don’t work to hard and see you guys next year.
Dougie and Julie