Thursday and Friday unflyable. A new plan unfolds

Two days with light winds but storms and rain. Was not even worth trying to sneak in an evening or morning flight. Tomorrow looks a bit brighter, but no decent flying acording to the forecast untill Monday then from Tuesday on looking very nice indeed.

Today some animal stress. Bitel, our Pyrenean Mountain dog got caught in the electric cattle fence we have to keep the cows off the bee hives and the house. A bit of a shock for him, but calmed by a long walk and lots of snacks. Also on walking through the town I thought I saw a big interesting bug on the road. It was actually a blue tit chick which must had fallen from a nest in the nearby trees. He was just hatched as had its´ yolk sack still attached and very little plumage. He is now in our chick incubator nice and warm and demanding to be fed (insects and worms via tweezers) every 15 minutes or so. Stinky, our ginger tabby decided to even the World balance by bringing back a small starling and eating it the bathroom.

I see that Parahawking are now in Alicante and charging 120€ for tandem flights with Harris Hawks. I have high hopes for flying with blue tits. Paratiting. Though stinky and pals may have other ideas before my new commercial brainwave comes to fruition.

Nest lining kindly donated by Bitel

Posted: Friday, May 27th, 2011 at 21:57 by Steve Ham in Flying Journal.

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2 Responses to “Thursday and Friday unflyable. A new plan unfolds”

  1. Linda & Peter Says:

    If you want to fly with blue tits why not fly bare- chested???

  2. graham Says:

    “paratiting”, brilliant,
    took only 30lb of rape honey off my good hive, 2 days later most of the hive buggered off, my next door neighbour said he saw a massive swarm fly past his workshop, sure enough it was my bees ,half way through the process of getting shot of the warres, just waiting for the queen to move down to the national brood chamber.
    looking forward to now flying with another tit,

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May 2011