Over the back at Lastra

A poor forecast so early to Lastra and a successfull climb out for all. Loads of Vultures, Black and Griffon, helping us find the climbs. The sky was getting a little overdeveloped after less than an hours flying, so we landed mostly over the back, but with Phil and Alan in front. Cb developement for the rest of the day so and early dinner.

Posted: Monday, September 20th, 2010 at 19:00 by Steve Ham in Flying Journal.

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4 Responses to “Over the back at Lastra”

  1. Roger Braney Says:

    Nice to see Phil, Alan & Co. have finally arrived. Hope the rest of the week is epic.

  2. Jonathan Says:

    Hope conditions continue to improve. Don’t get too high!!

  3. Colin Hughes Says:

    Spotted Phil and Alan at the airport.
    24 hours late.
    Hope the week gets better.

  4. Phil Mackereth Says:

    Colin, sorry to hear about your trouble at the airport.

    Yes finally here and easing into the flying. Got a bad cold and feel like s##t but I´ll plug on.

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September 2010