Fast race to Avila. Loads in Goal

Today the forecast gave us once again WSW wind at around 15km but with increased stability and the threat of a early end to the convective day…and likewise a late start. A short goal of 55km to Avila was set as the with a start point out infront of the Big Spine. Things were low and slow, but with few bomb outs. The first group into goal at around 1hr20mins came in on long finals not going more than 4000m above the highway for the last 10km. Soon after the first arrivals at goal the day started really kicking off with inversions breaking and cloud forming around 3500m…….so the last part of the forecast near Avila was not correct, though in the Piedrahita valley by 6pm thermal activity has dropped right off as predicted. When I left goal the sky was still full of gliders trying to get down though the thermals.
Anyway, a short task as a rest both for pilots and the organisation.

Posted: Tuesday, July 13th, 2010 at 17:36 by Steve Ham in Pre-Worlds 2010.

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