Conditions really turning on. Colins Hook 2 Debut

The last days, Saturday and Sunday, for our Devon and Somerset Condors group really started to come good.  We flew to the pass on the morning flight , some of us making it back to Piedrahita.  Bruno Crué on his Mantra flew back and then onto Salamanca….a bit of an epic!  In the afternoon both Simon and Paul got over the pass, Simon getting around 40km.  Sunday was an excellent day, but just a short morning flight then off to the airport to pick up our regular  guests for over a decade,  Bill and Liz Samson.  Also Colin Huges, who will be with us for much of the season now.

Colin made is first flight on his new Niviuk Hook 2 in yesterays evening flight, and today , in lovely conditions we made a flight to wards Barco.  Colin got over half way, and Bill and Liz reached the goal.   The Hook really impresses me.  So easy to launch.  As Colin is a little challenged in the leg department I usually help him off, and the Hook seem to do most of the work for us!

Posted: Monday, May 31st, 2010 at 19:23 by Steve Ham in Flying Journal.

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3 Responses to “Conditions really turning on. Colins Hook 2 Debut”

  1. phil mackereth Says:

    say hello to colin for me please Steve. Hope he is enjoying his new glider, sounds like it.

  2. dermot quinn Says:

    Also hello to Colin and to enjoy the season with new glider.

  3. Colin Hughes Says:

    Where is my picture Steve?
    Hi Phil and Dermot.
    Excellent week on my new wing and harness.
    What more could one ask for.


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May 2010