This last week has thrown up some fantastic weather with great oportunities for interesting XCs. Twice we have been over the pass and back, and on Sunday did a fantastic 70km route to the NW. Tobias (DE) flying his Swing Mistral had a great week for distance and airtime. He totalled 25hours and 20 minutes […]
Nice conditions from early on. I did a tandem at 11am and was straight into nice climbs. Once back up we made our way towards the Corrals, but the cloud development over the pass rules out a trip towards Avila. We headed to the Long Bar, where Dermot and Colin landed for Coffee, but Paul […]
Another epic day with perfect soaring conditions with a base near 3500 m and streeting. Light NW to NE winds. A slow start with an inversion around 2200m, though at the pass we finally took a 6m/s climb to over 3000m. Paul and I flew together, with Tobias further back, and Colin having returned to […]
Another classic day with unbeatable soaring conditions. With negligable winds we decided to go over the pass to link up with the cloud street to Avila. Unfortunately Colin and Dermot landed early, but Adrian on the tandem with Sue, Paul, Tobias and myself flew easily over the pass and ran the cloud street at base […]
3 flights today, but the afternoon flight we cut short due to building Congestus clouds. Light winds from N in general. No Cbs, so hoping that the upper levels are stabilising for some bigger flights over the next few days
Another day with very pleasant smooth thermic conditions with easy climb outs. The clouds soon had a depth of some 1000m so Paul and I decided to land for coffee at Barco. Tobias decided to fly around for a little more landing more towards the Tornavacas pass.
Another fantastic day with Cu at 3400m though beginning to tower by late afternoon. After a slow start we moved of to the NW towards the Lake. Although going into a head wind the streets alowed us to make easy progress near cloud base. Adrian and Sue landed on the Tandem at Guijuelo, whilst Paul, […]
Today at task 7 we had some of the best flying conditions in this week. Urs Dubach was landing at around 180km at 18:30. We had a very late prize giving at around 12.30am as many competitors did not get back till around midnight. The overall winner of the Piedrahita event was Paul Tomassi (CHE), […]
The majority of the pilots have headed off for Avila in an epic looking Cu filled sky to over 3000m. Adrian has reported that he is on the way back as there are NE winds low down. More later………..
Fantanstic conditions with convergence along the high peaks. Some amazing flights, with various routes taken. Ari (Fin) went to the Gredos peaks and flew to Pedro Bernardo before returnin g the Barco Valley. The day Winner, Martin Muller flew to near Avila then back to the Tornavacas pass. Our long time client Oli Pipe nearly […]