Epic saturday conditions

A fantastic day with Cus at around 3900m and the classic convergence cloud street.  Martin was first off and hooked straight into a great climb with Kieth.  I flew tandem with Robert and spent around 40 minutes surviving at the bottom of the Big Spine in scratchy lift.   After eventually getting up we went towards the pass with Hans.  By this stage Martin was already over the pass, having climbed there to 3500m, though Kieth had landed at the long bar.   Hans crossed the pass to the south, and we went to the plateau near the antenna and made a good climb to 3400m.   From then on it seemed to be cloud streets and easy flying , though we seemed to be out of phase with the good climbs.  Martin was already over the far side of Avila and on his way back when we reached Muñogalindo.  We both landed together (though we did not get to Avila first on the tandem) near the Quinto Pino bar.

A good evening flight seems pretty certain

Posted: Saturday, August 22nd, 2009 at 17:11 by Steve Ham in Flying Journal.

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One Response to “Epic saturday conditions”

  1. Robert Says:

    A realy wonderful experiance as a passenger.
    I learnd a lot. Thank you very much Steven.
    Even a landing field with many thistle could be a litte painful.

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August 2009