A week of intense construction work

Today Art and his wife Chris finished up to return to the USA.  Art is a project manager for Khuns Bros in the USA and had been sent over to help us out with the construction of our new home.  We had been in a very stressfull position, as the workers who had been contracted and by the new spanish representative whom we had paid turned out to be less than competent.   Luckily for us, the supplier, Kuhns Bros, have behaved in an impecable manner and have sent out their star worker to get us back on the right track again.

Art has been working alongside Juan Carlos and his team, a local builder and also a paraglider pilot, to try to get the roof framing completed and correct many of the errors committed by the other crew.  The last week or so we have had temperatures generally above 30ºC, yet Art has been putting in 9 to 10 hour days with remarkable skill and diligence.  He has been an authentic hero for us and we shall always remember and be thankfull for his visit.

Posted: Saturday, August 8th, 2009 at 19:14 by Steve Ham in Gossip.

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August 2009