Thomas goes over the pass again

We did a morning flght after the conditons/wind straightened up, but then were a bit late to the top take off for the XC fligth.  We went from lower down, but the wind was around 20km from just south of west , so things were turbulent.  I decided to land in the valley after getting worked a little by the conditons.  Thomas had a better time of it and carried on over the pass to land after around 30kms.  The others, seeing my ride, decided to go for the evening flight……..however that never happend as conditons stayed poor.

Posted: Tuesday, July 28th, 2009 at 19:05 by Steve Ham in Flying Journal.

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One Response to “Thomas goes over the pass again”

  1. Em Says:

    I believe that Rod and Nick are with you this week so best of luck to them, and I hope the wind-gods are kinder to them than to Ian and Rob! Have a fab week!

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July 2009