Sergi Ballester wins the 2nd task

The day started with Cus forming below take off, but by the task start had risen to 2600m.   With the west wind still lingering we set a task to Avila then return to goal in Muñogalindo.  This latter part normally booms with a lower level N wind, so we though we could get a fair few back into wind.

As it turned out there are (at this time) 70 pilots in goal.  Sergi Ballester on his Ice peak was first in crossing the goal line with barely 50m and well ahead of his nearest rival.

Conditions are looking to pick up over the next few days so more imaginative and bigger tasks are in the pipeline.

Posted: Monday, July 6th, 2009 at 18:53 by Steve Ham in Flying Journal, Spanish Nationals 2009.

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4 Responses to “Sergi Ballester wins the 2nd task”

  1. juan morillas Says:

    hola Steve, enhorabuena !!!
    Ya que la organizacion no pone las clasificaiones…ponlas tu por favor…para los seguidores y fans…
    nos vemos el fin de.

  2. suby Says:

    Hello Steve and Puri

    i am also looking for the results.

    saludos de suiza suby

  3. Andrés Says:

    Llevamos tres días sin noticias del Campeonato de España de Parapente.
    Solo la pequeña información en esta página
    A quien corresponda que nos tenga informados.
    Cualquier campeonato tiene información en tiempo real

  4. Paul Russell Says:

    Check out the news section for the latest news on the competition.

    There are links to the latest available results there.

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July 2009