Fluffy gets away.

A nice start to the week for our Sussex group.  Catherine, Gary, Emily (Fluffy) and Ian were also out in May, which coincided with the worse rains in over 100 years.  Catherine and Gary came back for some good flying in July (Along with Rod and Nick of the same group), and I am glad the forecast is looking good for them this week.After an early flight at Chia the wind came on lightly at Peña Negra and we all managed to get off for a local fly around, Simon and Rob managing strong climbs in the valley.

For the last flight we set a goal in Barco with only Fluffy, Simon and Ian really getting up.  Simon and myself flew to the usual bar in Barco and Ian and Fluffy managed over half way along the course in the light conditions.

Posted: Monday, September 29th, 2008 at 19:02 by Steve Ham in Flying Journal.

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One Response to “Fluffy gets away.”

  1. Jenny Says:

    Great to see Fluffy downing the regulation pint! Well done on the flight and have a great day today. x

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September 2008