Flying – Sunday April 27

A good day, starting with light winds and good Cu development with base around 2500m. I spend an hour flying around, before the group got off, but unfortunately the majority of them went down. As it looked such a good day we decided to risk flying again, so those still in the air (Jan, Rob and myself), landed so that we might all start the XC flight together. Due to stronger conditions at the top launch, we took off at the curve, and this time everybody climbed out. However, when we reached the pass the conditions on the other side had began to overdevelop, so we fly back landed around the Villafranca junctions in the increasing wind strenght. An evening flight for Hermon, Rob and Charlie, flying to the Long Bar. We spotted a rare species of Frog on a wall near take off (see photo), a stripeless tree frog.

Posted: Sunday, April 27th, 2008 at 22:33 by Steve Ham in Flying Journal.

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April 2008